Overview of Blockchain

The Blockchain is the technology that runs Bitcoin. Bitcoin’s founder Satoshi Nakamoto coined the term Blockchain in his white paper and through this, Blockchain took birth. There are also other technologies similar to Blockchain, but not any of the technology included of all these three features of Blockchain; Peer-to-peer Network, Cryptography and Proof of Work.

A Blockchain as the name implies is a chain of blocks. Every block is the mess of the previous one so it depends on the previous one, actually to all the previous ones - block b depends on the block a, block c depends on the b, in the same way, block b depends on a,  c depends on an as well. This dependency on the previous block guards that you can't easily alter the transaction history.

Blockchain Overview - VirtualNuggets

As every block is made up of multiple transactions, each transaction becomes part of the header of the block and every time a new transaction happens in the block hash is recalculated. In simple words "A Blockchain is a tremendous list of chronologically ordered transactions broken into blocks that are difficult to modify”.

In recent days the recognition of this technology is growing up in different fields at a great pace. Some of the advantages of Blockchain are:
  • simplicity
  • Decentralization
  • Faster transaction settlements
  • User-controlled networks
  • Reduced transaction costs

This technology has the capacity to make the organizations to use it transparent, democratic, decentralized, efficient, and secure. It is probably to disrupt many industries in the coming 5 to 10 years. Some of the industries it’s already disrupting.
  • Banking and Payments, cybersecurity
  • Supply chain management
  • Forecasting
  • Networking and Internet of things
  • Insurance, Healthcare
  • Private Transport and ride sharing, Real estate
  • Cloud storage, Government, Public benefits

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  1. Blockchain Technologies (blockchaintechnologies.com) Blockchain Technologies is a huge static content website that covers practically every single question you might have about blockchain. Additionally, the site also has a news section where stories from the largest cryptocurrency news blogs are gathered. I added this site to this list of the 27 best cryptocurrency blogs for three main reasons. The first is that the content is absolutely amazing. It is very obvious that the writer spent A LOT of time researching about cryptocurrencies. Secondly, the UI of the website is astonishing. The colors are very well picked, the site charges in the blink of an eye and it is completely responsive. And finally, although the Blockchain Technologies blog has a couple Ads, it is very clear that the main objective of the site is to inform, and not to just make money with visitors.

  2. Blockchain Technologies (blockchaintechnologies.com) Blockchain Technologies is a huge static content website that covers practically every single question you might have about blockchain. Additionally, the site also has a news section where stories from the largest cryptocurrency news blogs are gathered. I added this site to this list of the 27 best cryptocurrency blogs for three main reasons. The first is that the content is absolutely amazing. It is very obvious that the writer spent A LOT of time researching about cryptocurrencies. Secondly, the UI of the website is astonishing. The colors are very well picked, the site charges in the blink of an eye and it is completely responsive. And finally, although the Blockchain Technologies blog has a couple Ads, it is very clear that the main objective of the site is to inform, and not to just make money with visitors.

  3. Blockchain Technologies (blockchaintechnologies.com) Blockchain Technologies is a huge static content website that covers practically every single question you might have about blockchain. Additionally, the site also has a news section where stories from the largest cryptocurrency news blogs are gathered. I added this site to this list of the 27 best cryptocurrency blogs for three main reasons. The first is that the content is absolutely amazing. It is very obvious that the writer spent A LOT of time researching about cryptocurrencies. Secondly, the UI of the website is astonishing. The colors are very well picked, the site charges in the blink of an eye and it is completely responsive. And finally, although the Blockchain Technologies blog has a couple Ads, it is very clear that the main objective of the site is to inform, and not to just make money with visitors.

  4. Blockchain Technologies (blockchaintechnologies.com)
    Blockchain Technologies is a huge static content website that covers practically every single question you might have about blockchain. Additionally, the site also has a news section where stories from the largest cryptocurrency news blogs are gathered.
    I added this site to this list of the 27 best cryptocurrency blogs for three main reasons. The first is that the content is absolutely amazing. It is very obvious that the writer spent A LOT of time researching about cryptocurrencies. Secondly, the UI of the website is astonishing. The colors are very well picked, the site charges in the blink of an eye and it is completely responsive. And finally, although the Blockchain Technologies blog has a couple Ads, it is very clear that the main objective of the site is to inform, and not to just make money with visitors.

  5. Blockchain Technologies (blockchaintechnologies.com)
    Blockchain Technologies is a huge static content website that covers practically every single question you might have about blockchain. Additionally, the site also has a news section where stories from the largest cryptocurrency news blogs are gathered.
    I added this site to this list of the 27 best cryptocurrency blogs for three main reasons. The first is that the content is absolutely amazing. It is very obvious that the writer spent A LOT of time researching about cryptocurrencies. Secondly, the UI of the website is astonishing. The colors are very well picked, the site charges in the blink of an eye and it is completely responsive. And finally, although the Blockchain Technologies blog has a couple Ads, it is very clear that the main objective of the site is to inform, and not to just make money with visitors.



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